Technical Articles

Advantages of Remote Control Float Ball Valve
Posted: 2015-04-20 04:10:09  Hits: 1992

Remote control float ball valve is a new type of high platform ball valves, which has its own advantages, such as non-friction on-off, wearing resistance and low torque. The valve reduces specification of actuator. Equipped with multi-rotary electric actuator, remote control ball valve can realize precise regulation or cut-off to media. Remote control float ball valve has been widely used in petroleum, chemical engineering, urban water supply and drainage where strict cut-off is required. 
As a new type valve which has been widely used in recent years, remote control float ball valve has the following advantages:
1. Low flow resistance. Resistance coefficient of valve is equal to that of pipe having the same length. 
2. Remote control float ball valve has simple structure, low volume and light weight. 
3. Compactness and reliability. The sealing face of ball valve is mainly made from plastic, having good sealing. The valve has been widely used in vacuum system.
4. Convenient operation and rapid on-off. Turning to 90 degrees, full on to full off can be realized, which is convenient for distance regulation. 
5. Easy repair. The ball valve has simple structure. The sealing ring is general flexible. Disassembly and replacement is quite easy. 
6. When the valve is full on or off, the sealing faces on ball and seat are isolated from media. The media cannot cause corrosion on sealing face when passing through. 
7. Remote control float ball valve has wide range of application. Latu rectum ranges from millimeters to meters. The valve has been widely used in both high vacuum and high pressure. When valve turns to 90 degrees, inlet and outlet present sphere to cut off flow. 
Advantages of Remote Control Float Ball Valve
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