China Negotiated with Russia about Gas Pipe Western Line

Posted: 07/02/2014 10:07:40   Edited: 07/02/2014 11:07:40  Clicks: 2699
On June 27th, Miller, the CEO of Gazprom showed that negotiation between China and Russia about supplying gas to China through gas pipe western line was proceeding. Chine has negotiated with Russia for several times. It is expected that both sides will reach an agreement with Russia in the future. Russia will sign contract with China for supplying extra 30 trillion cubic meters annually.
Total length of gas pipe western line is 2,800km, originating from Western Siberia, passing through Altai Republic and entering in Xinjiang, China. Then gas pipe will connect with pipe of West-East gas transmission project. Currently, western line has not been begun to design. Design of gas pipe western line will be started after finishing signature of contract.
Based on framework agreement reached by CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation) and Gazprom in October 2009, Russia will supply 70 trillion cubic meters gas to China after eastern line and western line opening up. The gas, supplied to China from Western Siberia through gas pipe western line is about 30 trillion cubic meters.
In May, 2014, China signed memorandum of gas cooperation with Russia. From 2018, Russia will supply gas to China through China-Russia gas pipe eastern line. Gas delivery capacity will be increased annually and reach to 38 trillion cubic meters per year. The contract whose total value is 400 trillion USD will continue for 30 years. The signature of memorandum and solution of prices and privilege provide good opportunity to new negotiation for supplying gas to China through gas pipe western line.  
China-Russia Gas Pipe
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