EU Has High Dependence on Russian Gas Supply

Posted: 09/04/2014 03:09:33   Edited: 09/04/2014 04:09:33  Clicks: 3889
On September 2, several diplomatists of EU stated that EU may expand the scope that limits Russian state-owned enterprises to enter into financial market to banking and the prohibition that exports dual-use good to Russia. However, EU has high dependence on Russian gas supply. For that, EU will not carry out new sanctions on Russian gas industry.
It is reported that if the proposal is adopted, new sanctions mean that the pressure on Russia increases slightly due to crisis in Ukraine. But it will not have great impact on Russian economy. The leaders of EU have cautious attitude to overspeed upgrading tension with Moscow. They claim that it will be more difficult for neutralizing crisis in Ukraine through political approach and European economy may need to pay a high price.
The diplomatists say that the measures which are being considered by EU include limitation to financing capacity of Russian state-owned enterprise in capital market. In July, EU prohibited European personnel or enterprises from purchasing new stocks and bonds published by five Russian state-owned banks. They claim that other Russian state-owned enterprises such as defense and energy industry may be faced with the similar limitation.
EU also considers expanding financial limitations to prohibit Russian state-owned banks and other corporations from receiving new bank loans.
But a diplomatist says that EU is unlikely to announce prohibition for purchasing new national debts published by Russia. Five diplomatists claim that EU will not exclude Russia from payment system of SWIFT at present, which will cause Russian finance more isolated. 
EU Has High Dependence on Russian Gas Supply
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