India Plans to Double Its Gas Pipelines

Posted: 07/15/2014 03:07:25   Edited: 07/15/2014 04:07:25  Clicks: 3401
Finance minister of India showed that India needed to double its existing gas pipelines to diversify its energy industry.
Arun Jaitley, the Finance Minister of India showed that Indian government planed to build another 9,300 miles of gas pipelines on the basis of current gas pipelines net of about 9,300 miles of pipelines crossing the country.
”This is helpful for increasing the consumption of gas, domestic as well as imported. In the long term, the plan is in favor of reducing the dependency on single energy.” Arun Jaitley said, on last Thursday.
In April, Indian government showed that it was expected to double its gas consumption in the next ten years. According to its five-year energy plan, India plans to build at least one transnational gas pipeline to its midstream industries from Iran, Oman or Central Asia.
India Plans to Double Its Gas Pipelines
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