Keystone XL Oil Pipe Reflects Oil Strategy Game
Posted: 11/25/2014 06:11:31 Edited: 11/25/2014 07:11:48 Clicks: 3740
The proposal that Keystone XL oil pipe crossing through border between the U.S. and Canada was voted by the U.S. Senate. The oil pipe planed for 6 years has been thwarted for several times by the U.S. Canada felt a little disappointed.
The oil pipe was proposed by TransCanada Co. The total length was 2,700km. Through the pipe, every day, 8.3 hundred thousand barrels of oil can be transmitted directly from Alberta, the largest Canadian oil sands producing province to American oil refining bases in Gulf of Mexico.
For being delayed for a long time, the coast of TransCanada Co. who is in charge of the program is growing constantly. The investment of the oil pipe has already increased form primary 5.4 billion dollars to current 8 billion dollars. However, Canada does not give up. It expects to propose to the U.S. again in the early of next year.
Disputes on Keystone XL oil pipe always exist in recent years.
Supporters consider that the construction of the oil pipe can bring tens of thousands of employments. Data show that by 2035, oil sands exploitation in Canada will create 5 hundred thousand employments for the U.S.
Opponents also have various reasons. For example, the environmentalists fear that compared with other kinds of oil, oil manufactured by using oil sands may cause more serious environmental pollution. More over, opponents also consider that Canada builds the pipe just for via the U.S. It hopes to sell oil to other market, except for the U.S.
But all of these are not the main reasons. Disputes on Keystone XL oil pipe reflect the oil strategy game between the U.S. and Canada.