Lanzhou-Chengdu Oil Pipe Relieved Tension Supply of Oil
Posted: 08/05/2014 01:08:00 Edited: 08/05/2014 03:08:10 Clicks: 2293
By July 21, Lanzhou-Chengdu oil pipe built by CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation) had transmitted accumulative total of 4.296 million tons of oil. Daily transmitting volume was 1.9 ten thousand tons. The oil pipe has already operated for more than 240 days, effectively relieving tension supply of oil in the southwest region of China since putting into operation at the end of 2013.
Lanzhou-Chengdu oil pipe is an important energy strategy channel to transmit oil from the northwest region to southwest region in China. The oil pipe shows north-south direction, which originates Lanzhou oil terminal of west oil pipe in Xigu District of Lanzhou, Gansu Province, passing through Gansu, Shaanxi and Sichuan, three provinces and reaching to Pengzhou terminal, Sichuan Province. The total length is 880 km and design annual transmitting capacity is ten million tons. It is a long distance oil pipe which has the highest pressure and the largest fall in China.
Daily transmitting volume of Lanzhou-Chengdu oil pipe increases gradually since putting into operation. So far, daily transmitting volume has increased from 1.3 ten thousand tons to 1.9 ten thousand tons. By the end of this year, total volume of oil transmitted to northwest region by Lanzhou-Chengdu oil pipe will reach ten million tons.
For high pressure inside pipe, complicated production technology inside transfer station and frequent geological disasters, Southwest Pipe Corporation put a large number of manpower and material resources into ensuring pipe running safely and steadily under the circumstance of increasing transmitting volume gradually.
Southwest Pipe Corporation established a measuring group particularly at Lanzhou oil terminal of west oil pipe in Lanzhou so that can coordinate to solve the problem in time and realize seamless joint of transmitting oil between two corporations. What is more, the corporation also inspected measurement shortage and losses actively to ensure oil transmission unobstructed.
Before the flood season of this year, Southwest Pipe Corporation prepared for emergency materials or equipments and checked out-put and in-put of warehouse in advance, supplementing materials for flood protection stored in every oil transfer station and repair units. Meanwhile, the corporation also organized staffs to check possible landslides, debris flows and other hidden dangers exiting along with the oil pipe and formulated programs for response.
Lanzhou-Chengdu oil pipe is an important energy strategy channel to transmit oil from the northwest region to southwest region in China. The oil pipe shows north-south direction, which originates Lanzhou oil terminal of west oil pipe in Xigu District of Lanzhou, Gansu Province, passing through Gansu, Shaanxi and Sichuan, three provinces and reaching to Pengzhou terminal, Sichuan Province. The total length is 880 km and design annual transmitting capacity is ten million tons. It is a long distance oil pipe which has the highest pressure and the largest fall in China.
Daily transmitting volume of Lanzhou-Chengdu oil pipe increases gradually since putting into operation. So far, daily transmitting volume has increased from 1.3 ten thousand tons to 1.9 ten thousand tons. By the end of this year, total volume of oil transmitted to northwest region by Lanzhou-Chengdu oil pipe will reach ten million tons.
For high pressure inside pipe, complicated production technology inside transfer station and frequent geological disasters, Southwest Pipe Corporation put a large number of manpower and material resources into ensuring pipe running safely and steadily under the circumstance of increasing transmitting volume gradually.
Southwest Pipe Corporation established a measuring group particularly at Lanzhou oil terminal of west oil pipe in Lanzhou so that can coordinate to solve the problem in time and realize seamless joint of transmitting oil between two corporations. What is more, the corporation also inspected measurement shortage and losses actively to ensure oil transmission unobstructed.
Before the flood season of this year, Southwest Pipe Corporation prepared for emergency materials or equipments and checked out-put and in-put of warehouse in advance, supplementing materials for flood protection stored in every oil transfer station and repair units. Meanwhile, the corporation also organized staffs to check possible landslides, debris flows and other hidden dangers exiting along with the oil pipe and formulated programs for response.