Russia Will Continue Increasing Oil Supply to China

Posted: 09/23/2014 02:09:42   Edited: 09/23/2014 03:09:42  Clicks: 2398
Kirill Molodsov, the Vice Minister of the Russian Ministry of Energy states that Russian will realize the plan that increases oil supply to China, in spite of the sanctioned by the Western for the role played by Russia in Ukrainian crisis. The Western aims to prevent Russia form acquiring foreign technologies and funds.
“We have resources which we need. Those resources can increase oil output in the eastern of Siberia. We also have financing.” Kirill Molodsov said on an energy meeting which was held in Sakhalin Island.
“Russia does not foresee the risks or threats that the programs of raising oil supply to China cannot be advanced according to plan.” He said.
Last year. Russia signed oil supply contract with China. After 2018, oil supply to China will increase by two times, reaching as high as 1 million barrels per day.
Rosneft, Russian state-owned energy enterprise is the sole supplier that transmits oil from the eastern of Siberia. The corporation has already been enrolled in sanction list by the Western.
Molodsov claims that Russia will support Rosneft to provide oil to China, including providing financial support on oil production program from state fund.
“We think highly of technologies.” He supplemented, “We can find all of substitutes of oil production equipments, including the equipments on the sanction list.” 
Russia Will Continue Increasing Oil Supply to China
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