Technical Articles
- Posted: 06/15/2015 04:06:11 Clicks: 2145For technology marine oil and gas industry technology developing and demands for energy, development of deepwater oil and gas fields will become the key point of marine petroleum industry. Underwater water oil and ...Posted: 06/10/2015 03:06:48 Clicks: 1815Pneumatic knife gate valve is a kind of valves driven by compressed air. Briefly, the knife gate valve is controlled by pneumatic actuator to realize on-of...Posted: 05/18/2015 04:05:51 Clicks: 1893To maintain performances of ball valves and enhance service life, several tips need to be considered....Posted: 05/11/2015 03:05:39 Clicks: 1765Electric ball valves are mainly used for gas, petroleum, air and water, etc. Due to advantages, electric ball valves have a wide scope of application. ...Posted: 05/04/2015 04:05:21 Clicks: 2018Sealing principle of wedge gate valvesSealing principle of wedge gate valves is that two sealin...Posted: 04/27/2015 04:04:19 Clicks: 1815Chemical valves are a kind of important accessories used to control fluid in industrial pipelines. Faced with complicated industrial systems and categories of valves, choosing suitable valves for pipe systems shoul...Posted: 04/20/2015 04:04:09 Clicks: 1991Remote control float ball valve is a new type of high platform ball valves, which has its own advantages, such as non-friction on-off, wearing resistance and low torque. The valve reduces specification of actuator....Posted: 04/20/2015 01:04:02 Clicks: 1752Materials that must be transported in high temperature usually need steam regulation. So, we must be careful to choose the type of control valves, otherwise, failure may happen in service, which wi...Posted: 04/13/2015 02:04:26 Clicks: 1761The followings are the performance indexes of valves should be noticed in usage.
Sealing performance of valvesPosted: 04/07/2015 03:04:32 Clicks: 1821Electric metal sealing ball valve has two categories of sealing structure, one-way sealing and two-way sealing. One-way sealing means that the valve can only seal the direction marked on the valve....News & Events- 2015.06.23Valve Industry in China Is Pessimistic
- 2015.06.01Stainless Steel Valves Have a Bright Future
- 2015.05.25Low-carbon Green, New Direction for Check Valves
- 2015.02.02China Valve Industry Differs from Foreign Valve In...
- 2014.12.09FLUIDEXPO 2015
- 2014.12.03Russia Will Lay a Maritime Gas Pipe with Turkey
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