Technical Articles
- Posted: 03/30/2015 02:03:12 Clicks: 1555In general, anti-explosion stainless steel ball valves are designed as trunnion mounted ball valves. Relative moving parts are made from self-lubricating m...Posted: 03/23/2015 03:03:47 Clicks: 1314Main material used for sealing ring of seat on stainless steel ball valves is PTFE. PTFE has inertia to almost all of chemical substances. Sealing ...Posted: 03/16/2015 04:03:12 Clicks: 1786The followings are the categories of valves which are widely used in chemical industry.1. Chemical fiber<...Posted: 03/09/2015 03:03:58 Clicks: 1428Correct and effective maintenance can protect butt-welded globe vale, making the valve function normally and lengthening service life.Posted: 03/02/2015 12:03:40 Clicks: 1345Ball valves are a type of commonly used valves, having high usage amount and consumption. So reasonable maintenance cannot only improve work efficiency of ball valves, but also reduce maintenance time and s...Posted: 02/26/2015 01:02:40 Clicks: 1519Ball valves are a kind of valves rotating core to open or close valves. Ball valves have small volume and can be processed into large dimension. Ball valve...Posted: 02/09/2015 01:02:37 Clicks: 1423Corrosion on metal valves means that metal materials used for valves are destroyed under chemical or electrochemical environment.Posted: 01/27/2015 02:01:32 Clicks: 1375Structure of electronic valvesElectronic valves have larger torque than conventional valves. The vel...Posted: 01/22/2015 03:01:55 Clicks: 1532When inject greases into oxygen globe valves, the position of switch on valves needs to be paid attention. In general, ball valves are always turned on du...Posted: 01/13/2015 01:01:40 Clicks: 2484Notices for maintaining stainless steel ball valves:1. Only if forward and backward pressure is dismounted, ball valves can be taken apart and disassembled.2. During disassembling and reassemb...News & Events
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